i have dark dark brown hair and i want it to be light brown but i don't want to dye it or anything i just want to do something natural without any hair chemical products what do you guys suggest?
You could try washing it in lemmon juice, and get out in the sun to bleach it - other than that, you may have to accept your hair as it is. Some of us wish we had your problem!
You can try oceans of Sun-In (John Freda, for example), which can take the form of a shampoo and/or spray... but if you're already dark brown, it will just turn it a diry ginger colour. Go on, use nasty chemicals. All the cool kids are doing it.
You can try oceans of Sun-In (John Freda, for example), which can take the form of a shampoo and/or spray... but if you're already dark brown, it will just turn it a dirty ginger colour. Go on, use nasty chemicals. All the cool kids are doing it.
All hairdressers do a low lighting system with natural products in it. Not all Hair colouring systems are harmful to your hair and as long as u use the right shampoo and conditioning treatment after, u shouldn't have to worry about the condition being affected. I too am dark haired and I have low lights every 8-10 weeks. It's fantastic. Gives it a bit of a shine too. Try it, u'll never know until u do. Call around some of ur local hairdressers and see what they reccommend.