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rarll | 17:34 Wed 14th Jan 2004 | Technology
3 Answers
I use Onetel for my broadband connection and I was wondering if ther is anyone else out there who uses it. If so , do you have problems with connecting (ie. not being able to connect for 2 or 3 days) and do you get terrible interference on you telephone?


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I used to have One.Tel in my old flat, and had both of those problems fairly often. The interference never went away, but not being able to connect seemed to calm down toawrds the end of my stay there (December 2002). Now I'm on BlueYonder and never have any problems at all :)
Yes - I've just asked the same question. I've been using OneTel for some time but started their broadband last September. It was Ok for months, but over the last 6 weeks or so every time I go on line, whether for e-mails or surfing the web, it disconnects itself every few minutes. I thought it might be a fault at my end but it seems like I'm not the only one with this problem. Have you contacted OneTel about it?
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