Well first off loosehead my view is not rosetinted in any way, but my personal experience of doing business with, and having travellers camping on, my land for many years has for the most part been very positive and since people's opinions were sought then you can only speak as you find surely?
Yes there are problem elements, as there are with any element of society, but the majority are quiet and trouble free, and actually that's the problem, no-one ever reports on the news that I have gypsies camping on my fields with no rubbish and no disturbance, because it's not news.
You hear about the pub wrecking sprees, the fighting, the mess, the litter etc when that occurs because it's shocking, and consequently the (very large) travelling community get tarnished with the same brush as the few thousand that cause havoc wherever they go.It's rather like implying that all black people are Yardies or all Muslims, suicide bombers, it's simply not true.
It does just irritate me when people say "gypsies" and everyone goes "ooh mess, untaxed cars, criminality etc" when there is more to the whole ethnic group than that by miles.
I just like fairness, that's not rosetinted, it's just.... fair.