there r 2 usb ports on the side of the moniter and 2 underneath ,there is a mini usb next 2 the usb ports underneath . is this the 1 i should connect 2 the tower ????????? tks 4 ur help
I'm not sure, but with usb hubs (what you've got built in), usually you connect it to a spare usb port on the computer so that it becomes the other 4 you have on your monitor.
it probably is the small one, yes. check the manual if you have it. maybe it came with a cable for it too?
Yes you need the link from the monitor to the Dell PC Tower to enable the 4 ports on the Monitor however remember this. They are tempting positions for the mouse and keyboard and work OK but...........
If in the future you need to start your PC up in safe mode or need to access the setup (F2) Boot Menu (F12) or Dell diagnostics or Dell Recovery (CTRL/F11) make sure your keyboard and mouse is not plugged into the monitor USB ports. They only function once XP is up and running and you need them before this happens.
I spent hours trying to recover my Dell PC until I found this out.