Just seen them on the goggle box singing yet another cover version and wondered if they`ve ever had a hit that they either wrote themselves or do they just live on the back of other peoples material??
14 numbers ones or not it still beggars belief, they`re living on the back or the artists who`s time and effort are making these charlatans even more �����������. And I bet out of the 4 members theres probably only 2 of them that could stand their own ground regarding the singing
You've only to watch Louis Walsh (their producer) on X Factor to realise why there is nothing original. Proven formulas but hardly innovative and rather boring. Lift music at its blandest but it seems to be what the public wants.
As a wise man once said, "popularity is no barometer of quality".14 number ones doesn't make them "good at it". It makes them very, very lucky, and in the right place at the right time. Their record company markets them very cleverly too.
Dont forget thought that they are still making money for the song writer, who is probably quite happy abpout that. I know Dolly Parton was very pleased that Whitney had that huge hit with her song. All the royalties still keep rolling in.
Metz - there are at least 7 covers that got to number one. There may be more but I do not want to think about W******* too long as my head would explode
I agree about the royalty issue,Dolly said as much herself. As a country fan of many years,I could never understand why that record was not a hit before. Dolly's was and still is the better version in my opinion
Dolly's version is vastly superior IMO. Because she wrote it about a particular person (her long-time friend Porter Waggoner, whose TV show she was leaving after many happy years), it has far more meaning. Also, her much gentler performance of the song resonates with far more emotion and feeling than the shout-along-a-Whitney version. Real emotion doesn't need to yell.
As they get so many hits it proves this is what the public want, many bands record songs that other people have written and as devilwoman says 14 number ones speaks for itself.
Sorry THAIBUS but I have to disagree on this one. Many bands and by that I mean proper artiste`s don`t free load off somebody else`s hard work. These cranks may have had 14 numbers ones but all they`ve had to do is just sing (well theres another argument in itself) to something thats already been done before. These 4 cranks are talentless free loaders who`s fan base are either young girlies, single mums or same sex blokes.
Which means Eton Road have a clear way of being the next Boy Band of reaching the dizzy heights that these pranksters have done
Not all writers make good singers and vice versa.
sometimes it takes a new version of a particular song to appeal to a new audience.
I have had my mind changed about songs that I didn't particularily like first time around when I hear another approach to it. Although going back to Dolly, yes hers was the better in my opinion.
It all boils down to individual tastes of the listeners.
Not all Westlife's hits were covers. some had been written by other song writers who only do that, just write.
I think too that you may find Brian McFadden wrote or co-wrote some of their songs.
You may not like them but what they are doing is working for them! And making money for them and the writers!