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These are Underground Stations

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weediamond | 22:57 Wed 15th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers
After 5280 feet
Pit Props
Make people envious
An elderly Scottish Crone
Clerical Envy
Sea Defence
Over the eyes
The red cross wouldn't but...
Up the wrong tree


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Pit props - Oakwood??????????
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Brilliant. Just one to go ! "Over the Eyes"
Aldwych was a short branch of the Piccadilly line - shut down a good few years ago, it is now most often seen in films and television, as they open it up for filming.

Over the eyes = Temple?
over the eyes - TEMPLE
Too late !!!
anyone know what e.g. sevenoaks is please

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These are Underground Stations

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