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4planks | 21:31 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
What is, or was, represented by the series of numbers
1 60 480 9600
Any ideas please?
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Just a wild guess, but could it be a bar code for say 'Porridge'
It looks rather like the old Imperial pint measures ,with drams fluid ounces and minims . There were 20 fluid ounces in a pint which is the 9600 divided by 480 . The minim , as the name implies was the smallest quantity and I suspect there were 9600 of these (barely a drop) to the pint.
4planks - it's about time you knew that the quiz setter for GBQ takes a very dim view of people asking for help on this site, especially when they don't even confess that it's from his quiz.
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Thanks for your ideas - I think Swannbaker you might have something with your suggestion.

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