Can any one tell me if the answers are consecutive letters which anagram to give a tree or are we supposed to over write consecutive letters with a tree?
For example, the answer to 15ac is REP(AINT). Should the IN be replaced by LM to give REpalmT or is there a anagram of a tree there somewhere?
They are consecutive letters to form a tree's name, but in your instance is "pear" to give pearint.
See previous communication a few pages back set up by me for same crossword. I have a few queries as well.
Good luck
You've confused me now, Ulysses! The tree I found in consecutive letters of 'repaint' was the 'nipa' tree, giving 'renipat' as the letters to be entered. It didn't occur to me that there might be options with this bloomin' thing! I suppose it all depends on what 12 down turns out to be. Whoever devised this puzzle is clearly demented.
Quizmonster, Have just solved 1dn, which produces a check letter of "E" for 15ac, that is ?E?????, which vindicates PEAR as being the correct tree. Aperio