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i have a question about mentalism

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stevo_steve | 02:29 Mon 02nd Aug 2004 | How it Works
5 Answers
i was wondering if there is some sort of website or book i could pickup to learn how to take thoughts out of peoples heads i know i can do it because me and a friend can pull numbers out of each others heads, and i think i have a pretty strong mind, because i created a mental block in my head that blocks out physical pain completely from my body. i was just wondering if someone could help me out with this that is more experianced or knows more about it.
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I think you should talk it over with a fact i think you need to.
This is a wind up ?
aah get mulder and scully!!!
yeah well guess what i'm thinking now.
42 is the number 666 is the number of the Beast and 567434 is the number of a good French Restaurant that I know of.

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i have a question about mentalism

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