has any one experianced this and how did you resolve it?
me and the wife have a joint acc and over the last coulpe of months have been having regular small amounts of funds taken from our acc to places we've never been or ever heard of, we've spoken to the bank who have been very good and refunded the money and given us new cards and cancelled the old ones but the fraudster is still using our old details with made up expiry dates and issue numbers how can this be ?
sometimes a fraudster could have a person in the shop with them on the scam.
i knew of a bloke years ago(not a friend) who would buy credit cards from smack heads and go to garages,shops and restaurants with these cards and buy stuff and give the cashier a bung!!
also, my card date expired on my E bay account and they still claim the money off it to this day!!!
The easiest way is to put a transactional block on your old CC. However if they have set up a continuous payment mandate which cannot be seen by you but can be seen by the bank - then they can take money EVEN IF your card has been cancelled. So this should also answer rug's question on taking money after EXP date has passed!!!
In any case ask your bank to provide you with a fraud claim form (1249C / 1249D form if I remember correctly..most banks use the same name or try to give it a fancy in-house name) and then start an investigation re these payments. Also request your bank to freeze transactions by geographic area (Most bank may be able to do this by telling their fraud system that all international payments need to be stopped - however they might not have this facility - bearing in mind it is NOT mandatory under the FSA).