Do 'players' ever change? in The AnswerBank: Relationships & Dating
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Do 'players' ever change?

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GraceAnais | 13:32 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Relationships & Dating
9 Answers
do you think a leopard can change their spots? i appear to have a fatal attraction to player men ( along with most of the female population i suspect)
i just wondered if their were any men or women out their that had been tamed/ or tamed a player - and if so what/ who was it that made you change your ways?
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The 'player' has to want to. And if you can see them coming then I would advise not getting involved m'dear.

If you're that attracted to them then you have to accept what they are and don't try and change them. If you do that you just might de-claw them but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Besides, if you're attracted to them when they're 'players' then would you not be unattracted to them if they changed to Mr Stay in Doors with Pipe & Slippers?
Yes , I was a womanising, gambling, alcohol and drug abusing tyrant who finally got into a relationshi[p with the right woman, who tamed me with the most cunning of psycology ( ie letting me do whatever I liked but at the same time showing me far more preferable alternatives).
That was all it took, just me wanting something different.
A player will never chan ge until he sees something better than he is presently doing and until he wants that more than the shallow life he has. It's a realisation thing, it has to come from him.
Grace! Nooo! they dont change!
Infact as time goes on they begin to loose the outwardly look of a player & operate in ways I can only describe as reconnocence. These new secret conquests are even more fulfilling for these types.
I grew up with many players & it seemed acceptable in early teenage years, many of them are now approaching thier thirties & continue with avengence! Dispite the fact many of them are with longterm parteners or wives
Just wanted to nip in and say, hi! Haven't seen you on here for ages, hun! xxx
I understand even Warren Beatty has settled down. Of course, he was 103 before he did so, but even so. Young men grow out of crime and go straight too. I think it's just called growing up, though they do it at a later age than they used to, partly because modern culture encourages people to keep acting like teenagers for as long as possible. I don't know if noxlumos agrees with this - he sort of gives all the credit to his wife, but I wonder if part of it wasn't just himself deciding he'd had enough of it all.
Yes! I was terrible - for 2 years I messed every guy I went out with,often seeing 3 at the same time who all knew nothing about each other.No I am not proud of it,but that's how I was. I honestly thought I would be like that for life,till like Nox,I met the love of my life and I have never ecer cheated on him,or even considered it,even though I have had the opportunity,

So the answer is yes,leapords CAN change their spots.
this is my favourite question i think its hilarious.
why oh why would you want to go with a 'player' in the first place? of all the categories of men in the world you go for, quite a small category of people who will treat you like sh*t?
and the funniest thing is people do it voluntarily and then come on here and cry when he cheats on you/treats you like crap???? remember he's a player? that thing you were attracted to in the first place? get some common sense first
Dont know about a player but my boyfriend was definitely a womanising "lad" before we got together. Now he's passed up nights on the pull with his single friends and actually prefers a night in with a curry and a dvd (and me of course!) at the old age of 27.

I think it depends on the age, whether they are ready to settle, and the person who they may or may not settle with!
A player can and will change if he/she finds The One. Believe me.

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