Make an appointment to see an independent Careers advice counsellor - find them in the telephone directory. All legitimate advisors thses days will ask you to to sit a series of short psychometric tests, to discover your basic academic skills and shortages, and your strongest personality traits, both good and bad. They will then help you to start looking at options for careers which match strongly against your personal results. Psychometric testing/career counselling is now an established professional business in its own right, and it's well worth the one-off expense of time and a little money if you really don't have any idea what you want, or would feel happiest doing. And for what it's worth, virtually all the HR people I've ever known in every company I've worked for have been harsh, unreasonable, insensitive, company lapdogs, with no interest in anything except hanging on to their own talentless, disinterested, autocratic paper-shuffling jobs. But maybe that's just me..!! :o)