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Cocaine and Ecstasy

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ummmm | 12:44 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I read that it had been advised that they down grade them from a class A to a class B.

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I cant see as it matters what class they have, the folks who use it will still use it
Whether its a class A or a class B its still a serious drugs. People will still try it whether its gone down a grade or not it would'nt surprise me if there more people will try it now since its gone down a Grade
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Thats what I was thinking. And it'll be easier to get hold of. I know someone who deals dope but wouldn't deal coke or E's because they were class A.
Hmmm, it wouldnt matter what class the drug is, people dont use the drugs cos of what class they are. The majority use drugs 'recreational' purposes. It is only the smack heads that give drug users a bad name. I say they should legalise drugs and tax them, that way they could put the taxes down and i dont end up paying nearly a full weeks wage in a month when i see my slip...
i dont do drugs, so who cares what class they are in. drugs are for mugs.
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Good username spaced

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Cocaine and Ecstasy

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