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xCharliex | 13:53 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | Site Suggestions
9 Answers
hey i've only just registerd and i LOVE this site! i'm only 18 and trust me i do have a life but this has just answerd loads of little questions like advert songs its great! i've asked a couple of questions myself, how do i know when it gets answerd because i wont remember where i've asked the question, do u email me? thanks again! x


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you get an email and then if you sign back in you can go to your profile and look at questions you have answered, welcome anyway, it isn't as busy as it used to be here and so you will have time to get used to it and join in.

Something doesn't ring true about this post, - but maybe it's just me. I suspect a reincarnation.
gen I know what you mean that has hapopened many times, but as the ed's blog says, it is something they are sorting out.
Does that mean my other user name ummmm1 will be zapped?
well my other name DotH is ok at the moment I think, but then we are not assuming any other id are we, just reinforcing our original, i think the ed is aiming to stamp out the trolls,
Hi xCharliex

Yes, to confirm what dotty posted, you will receive an email notifying you each time your question receives an answer. Welcome to the AnswerBank!

Kind Regards
Gee I wish I did, AB Ed, I used to, but not any more, so I do have to go chasing through back pages to see what's happening.
me too seekeerz.
me too. But I'm glad about it. Seekeerz, why don't you just go to your profile and look at the Q's you gave answers to

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