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How come?

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MrBen5 | 19:57 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
How come i never get any stars next to my answers? I notice everyone else always gets them apart from me. Are my answers no good? Its hurting my soul :(


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dont worry i hardly get any either :( but i wouldnt worry about it there is more to life
Aww, darn well give yourself some love!
A lot of people don't rate the answers,and others put thanks in advance, as long as you give the best answer you can,it doesn't matter,don't take it personally.
you should join one of my threads im just star happy!!!
Ben, you are either giving crap answers or forgetting to put cyber kisses at the end of your answers, like so, xxx.

LOL works wonders as well lol.
You could at least rate our answers

well you got three replies so far
Didnt work there Whiffey did it lol.
mrben , you answered my question yesterday about what would you give me for xmas , take a look hun i gave you 3 stars and i never saw this post until today , ok honey !! there there! x
How do you give people stars? I had stars next to my name once and wondered why - they dont stay next to your name do they?
You can only give stars liquidspace if you are the one that asks the question!

When you look at an answer it will have rate this answer or report this answer on the left hand side!
Oh - I can only see "report this answer" next to these answers!
and why am I the only one who hasnt got "report this answer" next to my answer!! lol
Liquidspace, does this name refer to the space between your ears, lol Have a re-think about those questions.

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