burning sensations in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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burning sensations

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fruitsalad | 20:09 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
i keep getting a burning sensation in my knees and they ache all the time i have made an appt to see the doc but cant get in until next week any ideas what it could be?
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Is it behind the knees or in the kneecaps ? Sound like it could be an arthriticor rheumatic condition .Could also be bursitis, what they used to call housemaids knee. I have osteoarthritis in the knees and my knees burn and ache . You could try rubbing some ibroprufen gel in for now until you see the doctor.
You don't say how old you are but if you are young it could have been caused by over exercise perhaps ...running ,jogging etc.The doctor will sort you out ....don't worry .
I've got this too, and I noticed it seemed to come on when the weather changed , the skin on my knees burns like they are on fire, but when I touch them with my hand they are normal temperature. I did have glandular fever when i was in my teens and again in my early twenties, and I had very painfull knees with that, right in the joints. I did just think that was what I had got now and was putting up with it. but maybe ill see my doc.

ps. i also had chemotherapy 5 years ago, so i dont know if that has anything to do with it for me.
The weather does affect arthritic conditions as I very well know!
Sorry to hear you are also affected by this too arburgirl.The problem is arthritis is an umbrella term for lots of similar and related conditions eg ..Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, ,Polymyalgia and all sorts of algias and ologies .Best to see your doctor and get to the root of it and get some treatment ....good luck ..hope you soon feel better.
I agree with shaney this recent damp weather is playing havoc with my 'algia'! Your gp may send you for an x-ray if he/she feels it to be necessary. In the meantime try not to put any undue stress on your knees, don't carry anything heavy & go carefully down steps.

I had chemo many years ago too arburgirl but the docs refuse to blame my current condition on that....(I feel differently) and there is a lot of arthritis in my family.
you should starts taking glucosamine.
might be your cartlidge, hopfully gp will send you for a MRI

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