My mother has great difficulty getting tights to fit due to her legs being swollen all the way up. The ordinary tights than can be bought on the high street are no good as even the very large ones don`t fit & also they`re too big around the tummy. Can anyone please help me in getting some?? Thanks.
Hiya bee, I dont know your mum's age and size,have you thought about elasticated tight's for her? That way,she'll have the give for her swollen legs. I've just been browsing on google.
Hi Daisy. Mum`s almost 87 & not very active, which doesn`t help much. To be honest, I don`t think she`d manage to put on the elasticated ones. I`ve been ages myself on the net & there`s plenty of thights out there for larger size ladies but that`s large hips/waist not legs. She`s tried hold ups & absolutely hates them. She can be a bit set in her ways re a lot of things & would not dream of leaving the house without tights on.
Hi Daisy. Just wanted to let you know that I`ve got mum tights that fit her where they should & she likes. They`re gradual support, but she manages to put them on. She`s even asked me to get her some more lol. Believe it or not, I got them from Woolworth`s. Thank you very much though for your help.
Hi Daisy. I went to EVERY shop I could think of in our local town, Even chemists & newsagents. I knew that QWooloies sold tights, but it`s usually "ordinary" ones or glitzy ones at xmas. Was SO pleased to find the ideal ones there. Thanks again. Love Bee