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Siting a cooker

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Narolines | 22:46 Thu 07th Dec 2006 | DIY
3 Answers
I'm refitting a kitchen, and struggling a bit with finding a suitable place to site an electric range cooker. The easiest place to find the right size space is under a (non-opening) window. Does anyone know of any regulation stopping me from putting it there, or any major disadvantages of so doing? Thanks!


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My main concern would be with the curtains or other window treatments you might use. Both from the standpoint of flamability and cleanliness.
If it was a gas cooker you certainley would not be allowed to site it there but i am not sure about an electric cooker though as EDLEE sugests you should be aware of siting it too close to flamable materials like window dressings and wooden window cills etc. But it would come under Part P of the building regs anyway so only a qualified registerd electriacian can install it so they would not put it there if it was a breach of electrical regulations.
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Thanks - I knew about the gas cooker situation, and also that I couldn't put it under an opening window (would be a bit daft to do that anyway!). I'm sure I've seen electric hob units/cookers under windows in conservatory-type kitchens, but I can't swear to it. Maybe it wasn't in this country. The alternative looks like an island-type installation. I'll need to look further into the regulations before I install the cabinets & work surfaces so that I know where to leave the cooker space. Thanks for your help.

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