How can I get my dog to go in his kennel? I usually keep him outside if the weather is nice but I don't think he would realise to go in his kennel if it were to rain.
Make sure it's cosy inside and has something which smells familiar. You could try putting biscuits inside so he gets used to going in and out. Dogs aren't daft, if it rains and he wants shelter he will go inside the kennel as long as he knows what it's for.
yes thats right, you do need to make as cosy as possible. you need to give him a reason to go in in the first place.Try given him his meals in there to start with but dont keep him in there for long periods of time, ie when he has finished his dinner then let him back out. If you ever give him bones,chews or kongs with tasty treats inside, then do so in the kennel, you dog will then in time realise it is not such a bad thing after all.
It's all about training. Try squeezing into the kennel while your partner or a friend simulates rain with a hose pipe. Call your dog into the kennel and remember to treat him. The dog will learn after a while to associate the warmth and dryness of the kennel when it rains.
Bring the dog inside! Dogs are social pack animals-they are the only ancestor of the wolf and although we may not realise it, all the genes and chromosomes in the wolf and dog are the same. Latin name for wolf-Canis lupus. Latin name for dog-Canis lupus familiaris. In essence, the domestic wolf is the dog. Keep the dog inside at nights, keep your garden door open in the daytime and don't put your dog in a kennel. Dogs are friends, you don't tell your friend to sleep outside, so why make your dog?