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Hoover Junior

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rogerr | 15:42 Thu 07th Dec 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
My old Hoover Junior has just expired--big aahhhs all round----I bought it in 1971 so it had a good innings.
Although I also have a cylinder vac, I always liked the way my hoover fluffed up the pile and it was great for dog hair.
Can anyone suggest a similar type of vac ie. with a beater bar underneath.


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You can still get hold of hoover juniors although I can't help with where. My mother in law lives in South Yorkshire and she managed to get one there. Try giving Hoover a call and ask for stockists or maybe you could buy one direct.
I've just taken a look in the current Argos catalogue.

The Electrolux Powerlite Z2250 (cat. no: 406/0675) looks as if it might meet your needs. It's an upright cleaner with a fairly powerful motor and a very reasonable price (�49.99). Most importantly though, it seems to be the only vacuum cleaner with a specification which includes a 'rotating brush bar': et/Search?storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&langId =-1&searchTerms=4060675&go.x=14&go.y=16

SEBO from John Lewis, quite expensive, around �250 but very powerful - bit heavy though.
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Thanks to all of you, and cheers Chris for hunting through the Argos cat.--mine's way out of date.
Thanks again for helping me, I now have several avenues to explore.

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