Revolution anyone? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Revolution anyone?

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barneysdad | 09:45 Mon 11th Dec 2006 | Society & Culture
6 Answers
I have just read a thread (immigrants at local pool) it made 2 people call for a revolution ,it would be nice to sort this country out, but surely the fact that we are thinking it means that we are very bad,I mean i have often thought about the slave trade that happened 200 years ago,but i would never apologise for it because i have never had anything to do with it.To cut a long story short long live the revolution.More rights for the workers and decent folk ,not the scumbags!!!!!
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In September there was a military coup in Thailand. All very peaceful and civilised, so I�m led to believe.

I'd almost forgotten about coups d'etat (or is it coup d'etats, or coups d'etats?). There does not seem to have been one for such a long time. A few years ago there seemed to be one a fortnight. It set me thinking that it might be a good idea if one were to take place in this country. With the majority of the electorate having, effectively, nobody to vote for who will properly represent their interests, it might be the only realistic option.

We could get together a battalion of squaddies (if we can find sufficient numbers that are not fighting Holy Wars in the Middle East) who might be prepared to climb over the railings at Downing Street and turf out the two Scotsmen currently living in numbers Ten and Eleven (I'm not sure which of them lives where at the moment, or what their respective responsibilities are).

Having secured their headquarters a small detachment could then proceed via the underground tunnel to the Palace of Westminster. The Commons could be summarily dismissed and sent on their way. (We�ll have to be quick as I suspect they either have or are about to break up for three months for the Christmas holidays). One of the Sergeant-Majors would just need to nail the door up and tell Black Rod not to bother trying to summon them to listen to HM Queen next November. Selected hereditary Peers (those with a few organisational skills - none of Tony's Cronies) could be retained from the Upper House to smooth things along until the Brigadiers finish their drinks and are available to take over properly.

What do you think?

Would you appoint a provisional PM JudgeJ ? I think it's traditional to do so before they declare themselves "president for life"

Who'd you have in mind?

I think the last people to seriously consider a coup in Britain had Lord Mountbatten penciled in
What about you, Jake?

If you're unavailable I'd consider either Nick Ferrari from the LBC breakfast time phone in programme (though I believe he is going to stand against Ken Livingstone for the mayor of London post) or Ann Widdecombe.
:C) Anne Widdecome as president for life - there's a thought!

Anyone know where you can get a gram of Polonium from?
I'll go you one better. Here's my cabinet:

President for life: Comrade Jake T. Peg

Minister for Justice: Cmrde N.X. Loumos

Propaganda Minister: Cmrde A.N.O. Theoldgit

Minister for Defence: Cmrde W. Ardy

Secretary of State for Chips on Shoulders: Cmrde B. Malc


Sorry, I forgot!

Head of the Stealth and Revolutionary Council: Cmrde J. Judge

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Revolution anyone?

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