I was pumping up my bike tyres the other day, intending to take advantage of the nice weather and go for a ride. Unfortunately the little bit that you screw to open the presta valve snapped off and so the air won't stay in the tyre anymore. I bought a new inner tube so now I need to know how to change a rear wheel. I'm sure I could do the front one as I'm reasonably intelligent but the rear one with all the gearing is a bit more daunting so I thought I'd better ask for advice before I make a hash of it. Any advice would be helpful!
Thanks Zeb, I really liked your idea of taking photo's to help me put it back together. Brilliant! I'll definitely do that. However, if it doesn't work, can I borrow your brother?!
Thanks Kwicky - the pics are helpful. I made a start yesterday but when I was putting the new inner tube in, I found the valve was too short, so took it back to shop and the man said 'Ah-ha! you need an extra long valve!' But he hadn't got one in stock so I'm waiting for the one he ordered to arrive.
Right Zeb, so it must be you I'll need if I get stuck! Mind you, I haven't admitted defeat yet, I'm still waiting for the part to arrive! I appreciate you telling me to give it a go, I felt much better once I'd started and it wasn't as hard as it looked. Mind you, I could be speaking too soon, we'll have to see!