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Jack Russell lonely when left!!!

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Carol&Chizzy | 17:42 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
My five month Jack Russel pup cries and gets really distraught every time he is left home alone. This is not often but it really upsets me when I have to leave him. He has a cage and would like some suggestion on how to keep him happy when I have to leave him.



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I know it sounds harsh but Just lem him cry, he will get used to it.
Wouldn't mind betting he settles down as soon as you have gone! Whatever you do, don't return to him if you hear him crying. Leave him with the radio on, and lots of toys, chew, bones, etc.
Hi there was a prog on the tv a couple of weeks ago where a man had a j.russell and he had the same problem what seemed to work for him was to do a tape recording of him talking, and also to leave a jumper with his scent on it as i say that worked for him the only thing is to give it a go ?

Hope it helps

A fellow j.russell owner
We have had 2 cocker spaniels that were "puppy machines" previously. Neither one had had a home to call their own before so became very attached to us and hated us going out.
The advice I got was to go out the front door and wait a while, (and before it barks etc) then go back in and make an incredible fuss over the dog
oops pressed the wrong button.
To continue-- you leave it longer and longer before you go back in, and the dog gets used to you coming back and being made a fuss of and doesn't fret so much.
It has worked twice for us, but you will feel a bit of a plonker stood outside in the rain!!!
Best of luck!
Word of advice though, if you try any of the stuff mentioned above, make sure you don't 'say goodbye' when you leave the room. Try to leave in a confident but slightly discreet manner (when your dog's not paying attention is preferable). If you comfort the dog before leaving he will tend to assume that the act of you leaving is something which demands conforting (in other words, is a bad thing). It sounds a tad odd but trust me, I learned this the hard way some years back when my dog had a phobia of thunderstorms. It took ages to correct subsequently, thanks to that initial mistake.
Try leaving him for just a few moments at a time, as he begins to learn that you will be coming back very soon you can gradually increase the time he is left, as long as he knows you will be coming back soon, he will get more and more used to it.

Just make it gradual and make a fuss when you return, but dont go over the top or you will have him getting too excited and will be jumping all over you.
Ok, so I didnt read rodgerrs posts!!
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Thank you for all your replys, they were very helpful and I will be trying your suggestions.

Thanks again
Hi just thought id ask how are you getting on with your jack russell ?

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Jack Russell lonely when left!!!

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