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tantan | 11:46 Thu 05th Aug 2004 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
can anyone recommend anyone exercises I can do to flatten my stomach I only have 3 weeks to try and tone up
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balanced excercise program is the answer - 3 or 4 time a week 30mins aerobic exercise - 15 mins resistance exercise, 5 mins ab and back exercise. There are no quick fixes!!! except this one - through out the day try sucking in your stomach and holding it for an increasing time periods say 1 minute 10 times a day then increase to 2 minutes 10 times a day - you'll look quite silly BUT in 3 weeks your deep abdominal muscles will have gotten so strong they will hold your fat in - meaning you'll appear thinner around the middle
Iggy are u thin around the stomach region?? Are they the exercises you do?
3 weeks isn't alot... Do LOTS of situps, the higher ur legs are the better. make sure your comfy doing it though and you should feel it in the morning.
Three weeks should be OK. When did you first realise that you were fat?
Do 10 sit-ups each morning, then jog round to M&S and buy a corset.
As well as excercise like the suggestions above, have lots of sex! That is if you are in a stable relationship and are of legal age limit! It is said to be the best way to burn off calories and tone up your tum
1000 sit ups a day. Go jogging or power walking at least 4/5 times a week and healthy diet (cut down on carbs to stop stomach bloating)
Come on, wouldn't 1000 damage your insides if you did it every day? Can't say i've ever tried it though....I'm pretty thin around the stomach area
A swissball.
1 dvd should do it, no promotions but this really works Billy Blanks tae bo-abs and glutes

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