A friend of mine has taken ill, because of the nature of the illness she could be hospitalised for a long time, she may not but at some point it may necessitate someone else taking her financial affairs in hand and ensuring that simple things like the leccy & gas are not shut off in her absence because the bill wasn't paid but the most pressing issue I have is her flat. In a worse case scenario, if she was unable to pay her rent what actions would her landlord have to take and how long would it take to see it through? I have been told before because of her vulnerable position she would be protected but I need to know just in case.
I don't know all the legal ins and outs of a case like this. But what I do know is it can be very difficult for a landlord to evict a tenant for any reason. I'd say you and your friend have probably got a good six months before anything major will happen.
Where the property has been abandoned the landlord will be able to recover possession �following service of an abandonment notice�. My contact deals with me being out of the flat for long periods and more or less prohinits me from doing it without the land lords permission - so check your contact.
You might be best off making an appointment to see someone at the local Citizen's Advice Bureau because they would know the legal positions and can possibly intervene to help. I think appointments are either free or a nominal amount. Can your friend apply for Housing Benefit to pay the rent? If she has no income and less than �16k savings she should be eligible for a full rebate, same with Council Tax.
She was in the middle of sorting out her housing benefit when she fell ill, so we don't know what's happening with it and we don't know when she'll be a position to do anything herself again. The issue isn't really abandonment but you have raised an interesting point that bears further investigation. I'll just have to try and get her permission to go through her stuff & see how she's fixed.
First thing she'll need to do is see a Social worker (they will most likely be based in a "hospital discharge team" within the hospital your friend is in).
They can assist with all benefit issues and hopefully get her sorted out. p.s. she may need a letter from a consultant (preferably before being discharged) stating she has been / will be unavailable for work since ..... This is important for income support or incapacity benefits.