ChatterBank1 min ago
Jason's Absence
17 Answers
Does anyone know why Jason was not at the BBLB BBQ on Channel 4 on Sunday - the excuse given he needed "valuable time" with friends & family sounded a bit lame. Would they not need to contractually appear??
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I'm intrigued with this too. I was thinking maybe he had flown back to Scotland to be with his mates, but I don't think he would have done that cos surely he's gotta be around London to do all his interviews afterwards for OK etc... I don't know. Sorry really lame answer, I'm just as intrigued as you!
says in todays Sun he snubbed the BBQ. You can hardly imagine him being ncie to everyone...he couldnt' even applaud when Davina intro'd Nadia to the crowd at the very end.... You know Jason....probably spat the dummy out. After all...his interview with davina showed what a bitter, narcisistic and shallow individual he can be. On a serious note, he has issues that he needs help with (eg narcissism, lack of self worth etc) and I hope he gets help.
A Big brother contestant found to be shallow and narcissistic? What ever next! Seriously though, I am not sure they can actually compel contestants to comply with media requests, but it does seem to me (an extremely casual viewer) that Jason just wanted it all to be over. Maybe someone has told him what unattractive television blwing your nose on the floor makes, and he's to embarassed to be asked about it.
I wanted Dan to win all the way, glad Nadia won over Jason. He should have been out ages ago. I think he made excuses not to go to the BBQ as he wasn't very popular with the crowd on eviction night, and lets admit it, his only reaol pal in the house was Victor as they were both plotting things all the way through the series! Jason is a coward, and couldn't even bring himself to watch his moments in the BB house when Davina was interviewing him!
Sorry to hijack but did Kitten turn up then? I expected her to be the one that didn't bother, or thought she might do one of her political displays (funny how Nadia who didn't make a big thing of it was a far better ambassador for alternative lifestyles!). I thought it was so rude how Jason only looked at Davina about twice during the post-eviction interview. That man has serious issues!!!
I might be wrong here but I read in saturday's copy of the Daily Record newspaper that Jason's natural mother was waiting in the wings to speak with him and let him know why she put him up for adoption all those years ago. Emotions are bound to be running rather high with him and he DOES have a lot of issues - very powerful , emotional turmoil. I'm not defending him because personally , I feel that he was an embarrassment to Scotland with his antics and did little justice in displaying any sign of Scottish manners , wit or hospitality. Giving further weight to the unfortunate stereotype of the "Mean Scot". However , having not been adopted myself and being fortunate enough to know exactly whom both my parents are and having been brought up in a loving and secure environment , I try not to judge too much and I do feel heart sorry for him that he has lived with such pain for so many years , aching to know WHO his real birth mother is and why she rejected him. That's a toughie and I think that if the BBQ wasn't the most important thing on his mind following his departure from the BB house , then no-one can really blame him. I just hope that he finds the inner peace and the answers which he has obiously been searching for for so long.
I know what you mean Secretspirit. That's it in a nutshell. He said that for the first time in his life , he felt accepted. Shame on Davina McCall then to rub it in that Nadia got 74% of the vote. Must have left him (not to mention the others ) wondering what he and the others got then. I'm tempted to say that anyone who appears on BB deserves everything which they get because they have seen it all before and know how it pans out yet STILL jump like lemmings to appear on this show but I feel that every so often , you see the underlying issues with some of the contestants who for whatever reason , feel that they need some kind of reinforcement of their self worth through seeing how the public perceive them. In Nadia's case , it seemed to be about struggling to find acceptance and I hope that she has found just that and not just highlighted her misery by bringing it to the attention of the narrow minded element which sadly still exists in our so called progressive society. What are your views cleishman ? Apologies to you for rambling on so much on your post and forgetting my manners in asking your opinion. Do you think that if this IS the case , that Jason had a valid reason for his non attendance ?
Well at the end of the day he didn't turn up and he wasn't exactly missed! I just wanna know what Kitten has been up to because when she turned up on the Final night she was trying to tell Davina and she wouldn't let her and she didn't say anything about it on Sunday at the BBQ either. All very mysterious. Anyone know?
The actually reason as to why he didnt appear is beacuse he is apparantly fuming with BB bosses saying he was portrayed unfairly through out the show which is also why he refused to watch "his best bits" on friday night but at the end of the day the guy is a prat and no amount of camera editing could have changed that.
I voted for Jason to win, and I think he was represented really badly on the BB highlights. I'm not gonna rabbit on endlessly, but I think he came across as a bit of a loner who has trouble mixing with people, but who wants to be liked. And be honest, who would really want to be stuck in a house with that bunch of ******s he was stuck with? They'd test a saint's patience.