ABers' Panto in The AnswerBank: Christmas
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ABers' Panto

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Theland | 10:52 Mon 18th Dec 2006 | Christmas
8 Answers
Are you ABers organising a pantomime?
What character will you play, and what character will your nominees play, and what will you/they say?
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Whiffey, who can be so argumentative would be great at shouting, "Oh no he didn't! Oh yes she did!"
I will be the Punpkin he he he
I do NOT argue on here !!

Anyway, I would be the ar$e end of the donkey.
Look, If I'm not Cinderella, then I'm not playing along. It's as simple as that!

*turns on her heel n' stomps off*
I would have to play Cinderella cause she was always my favourite as a little girl, Raysparx would be My Prince charming and rugeleyboy would be buttons, Bob the Turkey and Zorro would be the Ugly sisters, Dot as the step mother, and Pippa68 the fairy Godmother ! I think that would be a smashing Panto!!!!
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Whiffey - "Oh yes you do .....!"
stopped short of casting me as the 'wicked' step-mother eh julie? lol I could do that though, but I would have to be drunk first but that would be fun too, wish i had the time lol
i just couldnt bring myself to type the word "wicked" dot!!!! lol I didnt cast you as that because i think you are wicked, far from it, i just think you are a strong character, no offence!

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