My family have all had, presumably, the same bug over the past week or so.
However, it has presented itself in different ways with all of us.
My DS1 had a slightly runny bum. My DS2 was sick once, and had a runny bum for a couple of days. My partner had explosive sickness and diarrhoea for an entire night. I had sickness, no diarrhoea but flu-like symptoms for one night.
Why can the "same" infection affect us all so differently?
(Sorry for TMI, btw but genuinely interested in replies!)
everyone's immune system is different and is capable of fighting off various infections at different rates with a varying degree of symptoms. it would depend on the anti-bodies produced from the last encounter with the same virus. if a person has had the same virus before, the body recognises it faster and starts fighting it sooner than that of a person who has not been infected before. Hope this makes sense! all the best x