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daisy48 | 17:34 Fri 22nd Dec 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year and don't get drunk:-)) Daisy. x


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hear hear, back at their desks in the scriptorium on December 26, but they may be allowed an extra measure of the official monastery mead.
same from me to.....all the best!
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An extra measure jno? Doth that mean they may also partake of an extra honey cake or 2 helping's of hogs head pray tell! How doth thou feel about this Robinia?
verily, provideth they dilute ye liquor with water from ye marsh.
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Good morrow jno, Gadzooks I did partake of 2 pewter's of mead myself thus leading me to take to my bedchamber. And now I've gota splittin headache. I felt all "Squiffy like thith".lol. Have a lovely Xmas. xxx
Wha's the point daisy? ED's blog says they're aff duty intae January! A well kent phrase comes tae mind "When the cat's awa the mice will pla". Jest avoid gett'n report'd - That's ma advice.
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We were just having a joke gen2. No harm was meant and nothing sexual or abusive toward's anyone. I hope you enjoyed your Xmas day:-)

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