This came up in my area in the summer. We have a fair amount of elderly people that live here, and they all seem to be infirm. Most of them have these electric buggies, zimmer frames or wheelchairs. They complained to the council about the cars parked on the pavements, on the grass verges and even those that people had parked in their own front gardens. The council sent out leaflets telling people that it was illegal to park on the pavement or the grass verges, they were going to send the local council 'street scene' (for that read 'little hitlers that wear uniforms, but were too useless or too psychotic to get into the police force') round to photograph these vehicles and they would be fined the first time and have the vehicle towed away on a seond offence, and that anyone found with a car in their garden that didn't have a drop kerb would be prosecuted. Last week (yes ~ a week before Christmas!!) the council issued some of our neighbours with fines, ( all fines were accompanied by a photo of the offence committed) or court summonses, saying they are prosecuting them for breach of local council by laws.