Sunday Express big Christmas quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Sunday Express big Christmas quiz

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emh26 | 10:52 Fri 29th Dec 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Please, can anyone tell me how many of the Magnificent Seven made it to freedom in the Great Escape? I know who the Magnificent Seven were, I'm just having trouble finding out how many were in the Great Escape, and subsequently, made it to freedom. Thanks. :)
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I think someone answered this yesterday emh. if you search back a couple of days you should find the answer, sorry I can't remember
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Yeah I got it, it's fine. could anyone tell me how to check so that doesn't happen again?
Escapees: Charles Bronson & James Coburn are the only names I can think of who may qualify.
emh .... if you type in key words into the Search the Site box on the left, in this case "seven" and "great escape" a list of previous questions should come up ,and you can click on them to see if anyone has answered before.
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Right, thanks very much everyone and slaney, I'll do that in future.

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Sunday Express big Christmas quiz

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