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codswallop | 15:35 Fri 29th Dec 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
5 Answers
How were the letters o.k arrived at to mean all right? Thanks


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In 1830s Boston, there was a craze for initialisms, much the same as our current �LOLs', �CUL8Rs' and �IMHOs' in text messages. Thus, they had �KG' for �Know Good' (no good) and �SP' for �small potatoes' (unimportant), for example. �OK' for �Orl Korrekt' (all correct) appeared in the �Boston Morning Post' newspaper in 1839. This is the earliest-recorded version of the new �word'.
The next year, the Democrats started the �OK Club' to support Martin Van Buren, who was standing in the 1840 presidential election. "OK" in this case stood for "Old Kinderhook", which was his nickname, as he'd been born at Kinderhook in New York State. As a result of these two factors, 'OK' and, later, �Okay' became widely popular and are still with us today.
Alternative explanations are sometimes offered - including over a dozen listed below - but there is not a shred of hard evidence to support any of them. They fall under two main headings...language-based and people-based.

A. Language. 1. Scots �Och aye' misheard as �OK'; 2. Greek �olla kalla' (all good); 3. Finnish �oikea' (exact); 4. French �au quai' (at the quay); 5.French �oc' (the equivalent of �oui' in the langue d'oc French dialect); 6. Mandingo (African) �o ke' (certainly); 7 Wolof (African) �waw kay' (yes indeed); 8. Zero killed (battle report).

B. People. 1. �Old Keokuk' (an Indian chief); 2. �Oberst Kommandant' (General Schliessen who fought against British forces in the War of Independence); 3. Obadiah Kelly (well-known freight agent); 4. �Open Key' (telegraphists' jargon); 5. �Ole Korrek' (President Jackson's supposed mis-spelling).
In the end, the �orl korrekt' explanation is the only one that can be reliably confirmed, so my advice is to go with that and forget all the other etymythology!
People still come to blows over this question!
Folk etymology's a wonderful thing, H, but the fact remains - despite all the supposed options listed in my earlier response (and others!) plus the fact that people fall out over it - that the Bostonian 'Orl Korrekt' is the only one with a shred of historical certainty about it.
You're quite right, QM! So it's a pity that people do still come to blows over this question.
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Thanks for all the answers.I may be a bit thick but why have they come to blows over this?Is it because o.k in reverse is a k.o?

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