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The Spirit of ShamrockBlue lives on!

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crofter | 13:51 Tue 28th Nov 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Sarumite has kindly ageed to launch the Herculis site ready for each weekend Prediction Game.

So it's business as usual! More details to be found at the end of the original posting. Quick link given below: zles/Question326331.html


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That's good news--thanks Sarumite.
sorry to be an ignoramus but what, where, or who is Herculis - please?
Hi Dustybun--Have a look here, it should help.
Everyone's welcome to join in. zles/Riddles/Question312705.html
thank you for that rogerr - sounds far too complicated for the likes of me - I think I'll quietly get on with my tiddlywinks!! :o)
Question Author
Dustybun - Next week is the start of a new game and you're welcome to join in! The winning score this month was 6 points with a "big hit" (of 4) during Week 3.

By the way, I've adopted your Emoticon - I hope you don't mind! >>> :o)
Dustybun--it isn't difficult, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it!
You are given 4 words and you have to guess what goes with them eg TOWEL--you guess rail, bath or whatever.
The hard bit is that crofter has to work out the points!
Ahh go on and give it a go!
thank you crofter and rogerr - do I have to get up early on a Saturday morning and look for a posting from ?ShamrockBlue ? Sarumite ? crofter ? (see, I'm confused already!) Thanks for the encouragement rogerr.
The Emoticon belongs to everyone crofter and I am delighted to see you using it. My life motto is "A smile is the shortest distance between two people" :o)
Question Author
You have all weekend to lodge your four words! But it kicks off about 9.30 - it's like Blankety-Blank!

Sarumite will set the site and give the four words to be linked on Saturday morning. Responding early is recommended!

Re the emoticon, I particularly liked the nose!
thank you crofter - I shall have a tentative look on Saturday and see what happens!!
Glad you like the nose - I prefer :o) to :-) - before I settled for Dustybun I had thought of Largehooter and Hugeconk, so you can tell, it's a bit of a self-portrait!! :O) (the un-airbrushed version!!)
Using this old link to say:

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring. happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Very Happy New Year to all at the Croft. These last few months have been a pleasure joining with you (and others) in the Answer Bank. We trust that 2007 will be all that you would wish it to be.

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The Spirit of ShamrockBlue lives on!

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