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usb probelms on laptop

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christy053 | 15:55 Mon 01st Jan 2007 | Technology
3 Answers
hi i got a toshiba eqium laptop for xmas and so far its exellent . i have a logitech ewb cam which i am wanting to install onto my new laptop ( it works perfectly fine on the norml pc ) . i put the installation cd in and that works fine but then when it tells me promps me to connect my usb camera into one of the usb prots nothing at all happens . it deosnt detect anything nothing happens yet it works fine on my noraml p why is this ?
thanks christy x


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Assuming you have Windows XP Home:

Start - my computer - system information - hardware - device manager

Scroll down to Universal Serial Bus Controllers

Click on each one listed.

It should say - this device is working properly.

And give you the opportunity to enable the driver, and troubleshoot.

Good luck!

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hi i haave already been on my devicer manager and there is nothing in it at all let alone a usb section . so what now ?
It seems as if the drivers for your usb ports are missing.

Did the laptop come with any discs?

You need to contact the place it was bought from or the Toshiba helpline.

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usb probelms on laptop

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