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cheapest loan

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markja | 21:25 Thu 14th Dec 2006 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
does anyone know of the cheapest place to get a loan of �5000 for two years? all the banks & building socs seem to be about the same.
any cash saved will be spent wisely, in the pub.


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I believe Alliance and Leicester are the cheapest around but i may be wrong give them a call
Try, they are really useful.
But companies pay moneysupermarket to advertise their product
Northern Rock on-line have always been up amongst the top ones. I have had 2 loans from them, there's no penalty for early settlement either, and they gave excellent customer service
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thanks guys/dolls,
the help is appreciated,
am just about to change my loan 'cos cahoot have jacked it up to 15%, from 6.9 !!! "we don't want your custom." is what i think they are trying to tell me !

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