are they good or bad for you? in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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are they good or bad for you?

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mycats | 17:17 Wed 03rd Jan 2007 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
I'm trying to eat more healthily, thing is I've been told different things about bread, rice and pasta.
I love all of these but some people say I should cut them out and others say they are ok. Any ideas?
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I think if you try to eat thw wholemeal versions of each then that's pretty good for you, but everything in moderation I say
Unless there are medical reasons for avoiding them then carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta etc should form the bulk of your diet.

As scooby says wholemeal versions are better but the "white" versions will not do you any harm.
Approximately one in 4 people in the world are Chinese and their staple diet is rice. Can't be that bad can it?

If you eat your fruit and veg, there is no need to even worry about wholemeal as you will have enough fibre in you already.

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are they good or bad for you?

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