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my friends new long distance girlfriend??

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curlylfim | 19:16 Fri 05th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
my friend has just got back from his usual 3 week holiday in phuket, thailand and was as happy as i've seen him, he explained that he had met a lovely girl? and can't wait to see her again
after seeing pictures of a very attractive lady? he explained that she was once a man, but had, had a sex change....i'm quite broad minded, but was a little, concerned, and reminded him that her? birth certificate cant be changed, but he is happy
what do you think of his current situation???????


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I suppose it's whatever makes you happy - but must admit I always found it a bit 'suspect' single men going off to Thailand for 2 or 3 weeks, especially middle aged men. But then I'm just bad minded I suppose. Good luck to him there's not much you can do , except be there for him when it all turns sour.
I think the ladyboys in Thailand are better looking than most of the women.......except they have big feet
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thats true, you can normally tell them because they are certainly more attractive
oh oh oh....and the adams apple.....just a tiny give away
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she had a neck scarf on,............ honest!!!
I'm a big believer in adults being with whoever they feel is right for them regardless of their sex (and I don't include children in this before anyone asks).

If he's happy then he's happy, maybe it'll last, maybe it won't but let him enjoy it while it lasts.

The main concern I'd have would be any element of him being ripped off financially, taken for a ride etc...
Jenna..........I think he might be having a little know ha ha he he
as long as he had a peek down the y fronts and all as should be - not present and correct - he's laughing - its not julia bradbury is it?

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my friends new long distance girlfriend??

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