When you make a bid is there any that the seller knows the current bid before the auction closes? I made quite a high bid for something and won it, for exactly the odd amount I had bid and not a penny less than my maximum and it makes me wonder if the seller can see the highest bid. I am happy to have won the item but I wonder if inside knowledge is available to the seller.
I thought so too Kat until my recent bid. An item was showing current bidding at �4.50 and it was something I have been trying to get for years, so I bid an odd figure and I won it for the odd figure and not a penny less (normally I pay less than my maximum bid) so maybe it was just fluke? I was not sure if a seller could watch bidding and bid against him/herself just to up the price in knowing what a maximum bid was for.
I have just sold something on eBay tonight and can assure you that the seller CANNOT see any bidders maximum bid!!
Also, it is against eBay regulations for a seller to bid against themselves - something i was reported for once just because a couple of the bidders happened to be newly registered or not bought much since they had registered!! Very frustrating when your account gets suspended for a week through no fault of your own....!!
Thank you everyone. Its the first time i have paid top whack as normally I pay short of my highest bid which is why I was wondering if something awry had happened.