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Lembit Opik MP & his Cheeky Girl

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craigiep | 19:53 Sun 07th Jan 2007 | News
9 Answers
What do you think of this relationship and what kind of future it has?


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Sounds like a question for Heat or OK magazine.

Why do we care ?
Hear, hear.
Well it's refreshing to find an Lib Dem who likes girls!
He's Lucky, I want my own Cheeky Girl haha!
If all goes well a very bright one, they make a splendid couple.
Hope they get married and Opik becomes PM. What a glamorous first lady she will become. Touch my bum....
Matt. Britain does not end never will have a 'first lady'.
Matt. Britain does not and never will have a 'first lady'.
Its just so she can get an extension on her visa

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Lembit Opik MP & his Cheeky Girl

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