i had a stroke when i was in year 6 of primary school so that would make me about 11/12 maybe?
my right side went completly numb, i was in a wheel chair for a while - i had to have physio and see a speach therapist to 'learn' how to do all the things i already knew.
when i had my stroke they obviously did brain scans and they couldn't see anything wrong. the only thing that was wrong with me was i had a throat infection that i didn't even know i had, that's how well i felt - nothing at all else wrong. i had to take an asprin a day after the stroke too.
i had to go back to the dr's regularly for check ups for around 4years, thankfully i was discharged and don't have to go back at all now :D from what i can remember i didn't have any problems after really, appart from the usual of having to learn how to do things again - well i say usual, but you know what i mean :)
as for the head aches you mentioned, like the other poster said maybe they are tension headaches? i was so young when i had mine that i didn't understand what had happened - actually now i still don't and to be honest i quite like it that way. i will say though about tension headaches i do get them - i get 'em pretty often, at times a few years ago i would have a constant headache - nothing would shift it.
maybe a daft question but have you tried the normal ways to deal with headaches? sleeping? darkened room? drinking plenty of water? changing your diet? taking some deep breathes whilst relaxing? exercising? tablets?
you are only young, hopfuly you will make a full and fast recovery!