fry. There is a saying, he who does NOWT never makes
a mistake, Go for it if you feel confident!!,but you do use the word foolish?? if you have not done this before ask yourself if you have basic plumbing skills? if not do some homework D.I.Y books, have you got a second toilet if things go wrong?< TIPS > dont buy a cheap toilet they all look great but a lot of imported toilets have rubish valve systems and most have internal overflows,and will require good fitting procedures. Also modern toilets are a lot lower so you will find that you will almost certainly have to reposition cold water inlet feed you will also need to install a shut of valve in line.Take note of your soil pipe position in relation to the new toilet you purchase,you can buy various fittings to accomadate, the pan will have holes to allow a screw fix to the floor , if you do use these screw lightly you can crack the pan very easy also if you screw the cistern be very careful same again it will crack, me nodding off now mate must go . its not an easy job if youve not done it before. good luck ,