we have a neutered male aged 8.5 months. He's an indoor cat, gets plenty of attention and toys etc. We're thinking about getting another kitten. Would our cat appreciate a newcomer?
Hi, I've got a 9 mnth old and a 12 week old and they 'lurvvvvve' each other. It took a week for them to realise it was love, but now they sleep together, play together and spend hours beating the cr*p out of each other....lol. I say go for it !!!
I dont think you will know until you try. I have had cats for over 20 years and each one I have is different. I have introduced older cats, younger cats, kittens to one another and each time have had a different result.
Currently I have 3 cats. 2 are litter brother and sister, I got another kitten and the female cat has taken to him and the brother now insists on living outside! He comes in hissing and spitting, eats his food then goes again.
lol....more like a lot of ducking when they fly round the room using sofa backs and chairs!! Church is a spayed female [9 months] and Mouse is a soon to be neutered male, he's Ragdoll cross, so is a total fluff ball....see!
My female cat was 6 months old when I got another kitten - a boy, she too hissed and stayed away from him for just over a week and now they are best friends (well as close as any siblings get when they are young) :)