Clearly you need to get some housing sorted out, plus get the debts sorted. Being unemployed, you should be able to get substantial help paying your course and accommodation fees, plus most universities have special hardship funds that you can apply to if you need help with stuff like books and equipment.
Don't let your financial situation stop you going to university - it could be your ticket to a much better life and a decent job. Even if you end up going bankrupt over your debts, unless you're going into the legal or financial profession, it shouldn't do you much harm. You have (by the sound of it) little in the way of assets for anyone to sieze, and it would be discharged by the time you graduate anyway. Neither should it stop you getting a student loan, if that's what you choose to do, and you won't have to pay that back until you're earning a specified minimum.
Get on and fill in those applications - and good luck!