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Oxo cubes....

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blink_babe13 | 21:35 Wed 17th Jan 2007 | TV
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I hate this program! I used to love it but i've become totally pathetic and can't handle the arguments =[! PLUS I wish Jade Good-y would be hung.
in all honestly i think its disgusting the way they are treating shilpa. and she had a fair point to have a go and those girls are like scavangers they wait for anything shilpa says or does then rips her apart !
The best part tonight was when Shilpa said "what are you famous for, this"...brilliant :)
yeah, seems like everything Shilpa did even breathing the same air was wrong, they have to pick a fight. That stupid Jade should be shot, she doesn't know what she's talking about, just damn thick. She even made oxo cubes an argument, just can't et it rest. Picking at words mis-said and calling ppl liar. Well, she's the biggest liar and fake in there, even her boobs are fake. LOL The others like Danielle and Joe are so fake, they say one thing and make up and next min they start to bitch again.
They are so insecure and jealous b/c shilpa is getting all the male attentions in there, just ignorant, can't reason with stupidity. Maybe the dumbwit thought is good TV.
And why are ppl avoiding the word "racism", which is basically bullying of an individual race, it had kinda leading that way, bullying alone is wrong and it can't be tolerated. Ppl are avoiding this b/c they are in denial of our society in general. And look we got 3 good candidates to represent us on TV.
I totally agree, however Shilpa knew exactly what she was letting herself in for when she provoked them into the whole episode. If she had not gone in there ranting about an oxo cube then it wouldn't have happened. Shilpa does bring a lot of things onto herself. She clearly has a "class" issue, and this is what it is about, not race. She obviously feels Jade is beneath her, and that may be rightly so, but she makes it sooo obvious. The chicken down the loo episode, they said to her "don't throw the chicken down the loo as it will get blocked" - what did Shilpa do? throw it down the loo! She knows what she is doing and I think Shilpa has goaded as much as she can. As for tears, I haven't yet seen a wet tear come down. All actresses can pretend to be upset. She is a drama queen and knows exactly what she is doing.

However, Jades outburst was disgusting and the other sheep in the crew are no better especially Dogiella.
yep to look up the thing about the oven was another excuse to have a go, all they had to do was say this is how it works etc. I did like how Ian said that wasnt her fault it didnt cook

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