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Sat Nav

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Beechy101 | 13:08 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | Motoring
3 Answers
Which is the best value for money Sat Nav system around at the moment?


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Bite the bullet Beechy get a Tomtom 710 good processor easy interface bluetooth. -- you get what you pay for
Does it take you onto a railway line like the dozy bint in Eastbourne?

I think they rot your brain, like calculators
I bought a 'Road Angel 6000' for my wife at Christmas. (on offer in Halfords at �179 at the time)

She has had no problems with it and has just been form Edinburgh to- Aberdeen on Saturday, Newcastle on Sunday and Croydon today. Its taken her right to the door every time.

Unfortunatly it brings her back as well !

Has the added advantage of 'speed camera' and 'black spot' warnings programmed into its maps.

I haven't used any others to compare it with, but more than happy with the price/performance of this model. (sat nav not the wife)

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