A match shall consist of the best of three games unless, otherwise arranged.
In doubles and men's singles a game is won by the first side to score 15 points, except as provided in Law 7.4.
In ladies' singles a game is won by the first side to score 11 points, except as provided in Law 7.4.
If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in ladies' singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice in Law 7.4.1 or 7.4.2;
to continue the game to 15 (11) points, ie not to 'set' the game; or
to 'set' the game to 17 (13) points.
The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
Only the serving end can add a point to its score (see Law 10.3 or 11.4)