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Joint mortgage?

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Ducatiman | 18:50 Wed 24th Jan 2007 | Law
2 Answers
I have a joint mortgage with my partner, although i hav`nt initially put any monies into the deposit but she did of around �50,000.

Am i still entitled to 50% of whats left if we decide to sell the place and go seperate ways


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What you are entitled to is an equitable share. This is good, as equity enforces obligations of conscience and will recognise any contributions you have made, ranging from repainting to the actual deposit and mortgage payments. Unfortunately, this is also bad as what is 'equitable and just' is only for the courts to decide. (I won't bore you with case law, its mostly archaic and at least 60 years old)
Basically as a decent human being. Sell the house, give her back the 50k and then split whats left over.

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