due diligence in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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due diligence

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sunflower71 | 12:48 Wed 24th Jan 2007 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Anyone gone through this at there workplace?

what is to be expected?

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i work in a off licence we show due diligence by recording all the refusal to serves this shows the authorites that you do check the age of people by not serving underage
sunflower71, I take it that you mean due diligence prior to a take over?
Its just the same as an annual audit - same questions, same work - as an ex-auditor - I know these things!
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yes pezza that is correct.

Yep I now understand its like an audit so they can look through all my files pc etc.

Depending on the size of company to be taken over, this can vary from a short enquiry to an investigation of gargantuan proportions, where every department will have to answer a long list of questions about marketing & sales, logistics, employee relations/salary/pension policies, manufactuing processes, etc.

Believe me, it's not something you would put your hand up and volunteer for if you're on the receiving end of the process!

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