How can I stop... Biting my nails!?! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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How can I stop... Biting my nails!?!

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laurentwink | 13:43 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
I'm 22 and have been biting my nails nearly all of my life, I have grown them in the past, had manicures but then i see a nail and start picking at the edge and i rip them all off, I am trying again to grow them, i have bought really disgusting stop nail biting stuff from Mavala, tried putting garlic on them, pretending there's Poo and worms there but i still cant stop. I get ulcers from all the dirt and crap and my poor boyfriend goes mad when i start picking or biting and I keep thinking oh he kisses me and I've bitten all my nails etc! Help me - has anyone else been in this situation at all and broken through it?! ARGH! I am so annoyed at myself!!
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Try having acrylic or gel nails done- they look fantastic (if done correctly anyway) and your own nails will grow underneath, you can't bite 'em because you can't get to 'em!
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You want a bet? i bite or pick through them cos they annoy me! and when they do come off, my real nails look crappy.
Sit on your hands and only let them out to type...
Hiya laurentwink and Boo! I have the exact same problem and still haven't found a solution....the nasty tasting stuff is no use, because I don't bite, I "cut" them with my fingers. Can you apply fake nails to VERY short nails ? As in, hardly any nail left? That'd be a life saver! so to speak....
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Yeah you can Max - they applied it mine but they only lasted a week cos i kept putting them in my mouth. I'm such a loser. so glad theres me and you that are the same!!
Oh 'eck- well my solution was obviously pants then eh? :-(

It does sound like your nail biting might be psychological lauren, how about trying something wacky like hypnosis? Ya never know!

Hiya max</b., hope you're well girly xxxx, I've no idea whether they'd apply acrylics to none existant nail- ask 'em?
Question Author
hmm, thanks Boo. i bought a hynosis CD for nail biting from Ebay - i may listen to it tonight as it didnt work the first time.
Hi BOO, I'm good, just gone ginger.....lol (btw, if someone could answer my Q in beauty, I'd be grateful!)

Laurentwink, I'm not sure biting one's nails makes one a loser! that's a bit extreme, isn't it? I mean, I do, after all, save the world regularly, feed starving children, eradicate diseases and poverty every night.....

Oh wait, may be that didn't ACTUALLY happen....lol
I had to have false nails once... frog marched to shop and all sorts and there's nowt wrong with my nails in the first place but anyway.... They are cut very short and filed down before applied Max so you should have no problem.
keep them cut completely short for a while rather than trying to grow nice nails.

this will get you out of the habit of biting them off

only start letting them grow long once you haven't bitten them for about a month
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ooh i see your point Joko, so once they get a bit longer, just cut them down again? yeah i see your way of thinking! thanks!! :o)

You put a smile on my face and made me feel ever so much better today thank you very much I tend to be quite self critical and am a perfectionist and laurentwink with all of that I do not have perfect nails. do not obsess I mean who really cares. Did you know that your nails continue to grow after you die look at it sort of as one of the things that you always meant to do but somehow never got around to doing. Let them grow then in the mean time live the hell out of life. I have to tell you it really is a blast!
heads up

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