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David Bradley ...

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naz_nomad | 18:06 Mon 29th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
59 Answers

Can I  rest my case, Mr. minter?


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my humble group of followers know the real truth.
and why are you not dead yet
so what 'was' that waving about from under your trouser leg in the other post Athley?...
My pet snake Eric.
Just a reminder.....That's not Wardy.....
Well if it isn't maud_winter, how are you mrs ?
what in heaven makes you think i am not me?
And I'm not...oh wait, that won't work.

I am Penelope! and so is my wife.
hi pippa did you have a nice weekend without me?
france was grim with constant rain

Do you think naz is having a hard time judging last nights competition entries as he's gone really quiet.

Oh I wonder
Wardy never calls me Pippa.....
That's because it's not Wardy.....

He must be Athley........
Hey !!

I meant naz Athley....judging the
Ha ha Oh blimey I thought the conspiracy theory was heading straight in my direction for a second there!!!

I am not a man and I am not Wardy!

Wardy normally calls you Pipster I think
Well hello pipster you glorious wench!!! give us a kiss!!! the trouble with france is, it is full of bloody french peasnts!!!

He doesn't use so many exclamation marks either...if at all!!!!!!!!!!
just what was the original q for??? soooooooooooooooooooo confused i tell ye

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David Bradley ...

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